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White Shirt Project

First Project 

There are more than one idea that I am doing with white shirts. 

I used one white shirts for every different projects.

So you will see two projects in this page.

*Both of the sketch were made on*

 "27th November 2020" 

I made a top and skirt out of one white shirt.

There're also my designing plan for each piece

and methods of making top and skirt.

I use every fabric from this white shirt and

make it into my tops and skirts details.

Top Designing plan 

Skirt Designing plan

Making Top

Making skirts 

I got a lot of good feedback with this project from my relatives and friends. I feels so inspire and it makes me want to create more projects from white shirts. I feels so happy and confident in my own creation even though some people stared at me especially my outfits,and I still didn't care about their judgement at all. 

The 5th December 2020

On 5th December 2020, I wore this outfits to my dentist appointment. Everyone was staring at my outfit, most of the nurses were asking "how did you know how to do that?", some asking "you know how to use sewing machine?", and others "Did you really the one who made it?". I answered them joyfully because I didn't expect that much attention. I told them how i made it out of one shirt and explained my details. Most of them really love the back of my top that I used both hand sleeves for more details.


The Doctor first impression about my outfits wasn't really good. He was wondering what happened to my skirts, Why its tear each side, I started to explaint him that outfits was my projects that I needed to recreate a normal White Shirt into something unique. He was confusing with my design but admireing and gave such a good complimentary and being supportive at the same time. He was confusing about the back of my top.I explained him every single details and he was so surprise by my ideas.He told me to keep on going and never give up.   

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