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Formal Analysis 


Image information​

  • captured by Thomas Albdorf, 2017.

  • printed on Baryta paper

  • size 70 x 46,6cm 

  • rectangle shape

  • scaled on Alu- dibond

The main portraits

  • the table's in horizontal way

  • flowers framed in clear cups 

  • three cups filled with water and flowers

  • two cups hung on the stems.

  • stems were used to build the structure

  • placed on the long rectangular table

  • soft light

  • the light that reflected with water and clear cups at the corner are so bright and blink

  • the color are in warm purple tone

  • located at the brightest spot

  • the area beneath the cups are dimmer by the shadow of the cups.



  • behind the tables there's only grass and land

  • it is in deep dark blue colour 

  • dark contrast 


Thomas Albdorf, 2017

Found This On A Picnic Table I Mean It’s Nice But Pretty Sure You’re Not Allowed To Pick Flowers Here???

Accessed at 27 November 2020

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