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White shirts films



film Project 

Recorded on 

5th December 2020

Some highlights of how i made my top and pants out of one shirt and not having any fabric behind.


film project 

 record on 

6th December 2020

This carefree shirt is made infront of stranger to received their reaction after saw my design step by step.

First, I walked around wearing normal oversize white shirt on. There's no reaction from any stranger.


You can see that I looked uncomfortable with this over white shirt. My walking look so strange and weird.

After I started to cut my shirt layers by layers, people started to staring at me. I became more confident.


When I finish my design and finish recorded my film, I walked around again. Alof of people starring at me especially my top.


Eventhough strangers starring at me with different compliments in their minds I did not care at walk confidently  and carefree till I reach my house.  

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