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  • Writer's pictureKunrath Devy SinEk

Kingdom of Temples and Wonder

Siem Reap is famous for its magnificent temples, tranditions and histories. It is known as a magical land that full with traditional foods, cultural arts and temples. There are more than 1000 temples in Siem Reap. Most of the temples were built in the 12th century and the most famous one named "Angkor Wat temple" was built by King Jayavarman VII.

Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.

Siem Reap is not just all about temples but there are also more amazing place like Kulen Mountain, Tonle Sab, Night market, Pub street,.., etc. My favorite activity is riding a bike around the temple during the sunset. It is between 31km to 32km for a whole round. I always do it every time I went to Siem Reap.

Night life in Siem Reap is also one of the best things that I love and never miss whenever I was there. A lot of delicious foods and music surrounded the area. You'll never get tired to stay up all night especially in Pub street.

Never I say that I am tired of visiting the same place especially Siem Reap Cambodia. At least 2 times each year I visit Siem Reap. A place where everyone should visit once in a life time.

I am so proud that I was born in a country full of cultures, wonderful history, historical architecture, traditions and arts.


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